Ferry Boat with Hooded Mysterious Ferryman Miniature Figure Model 28mm Scale RPG Fantasy Dungeons & Dragons 3D Printed

The Printpire


A mysterious figure signals for you party come aboard. Should you advance? Or should you run?

Designed by Ill Gotten Games, and licensed to us to manufacture via 3D printer this 2 piece set including a ferry boat and a hooded ferryman will make for a great encounter or decoration.

Scaled to 28mm this set is sized to work with all 28mm/32mm or similar miniatures from many popular RPG dice games such as Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Warhammer, and many others.

This unpainted high detail 3D printed miniature set comes in paintable silver PLA plastic and grey resin. It was placed on a 1" x 1" grid in the photo for reference. The boat measures approximately 5" long.